your responsibilities include overseeing existing Lease
Agreements then you understand that discrepancies between
the stated gross square footage in a lease and the actual
useable and percentage of “common space”
can frequently cost enterprises hundreds of thousands
of dollars in unnecessary expense or under-billing over
the life of a Lease Agreement!
Since 1976, ECS Group, Inc. (ECS) has focused on providing
field verified “as-built”, CAD and facility
database development services. We have been supporting
Corporate Enterprises, Property and Realty companies
and Architectural firms who require:
- Field Verified Floor Plans - surveying all partitions.
- Field Verified Tenant Plans - capturing demising
- Rent Book development.
- Square Footage Analysis to BOMA, REBNY and/or your
specific company specs.
- Visual Field Verifications confirm existing CAD
& record drawing accuracy.
- CAD file conversion (converting existing paper and
CAD plans into a uniform CAD format).
Once in place the CAD property portfolio will facilitate:
- Marketing - Emailing plans of available inventories
directly to prospects.
- Maximize ROI by capturing all common, mechanical
& uncharged areas.
- Optimize RSF by calculating "Loss" and
"Add On" factors.
- Tracking vacant space.
- Creation of Stacking, Blocking & Adjacency plans.
case study >